Translation: The Darktown Strutters Ball. Dixieland. Sheet Music, CD. C Instruments. Bass Clef Instruments. E Flat Instruments.
Translation: Royal Garden Blues. The Darktown Strutters' Ball. Royal Garden Blues. B-Flat Instrument sheet music.
Translation: Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. The Darktown Strutters' Ball. But My Baby Don't Love Nobody But Me.
Translation: Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. The Darktown Strutters' Ball.
Translation: You don't have to be from below the Mason-Dixon line to enjoy this primo collection of nearly 250 Dixieland tunes.
Translation: I Just Don't Want To Be Rich. Jock Wilson's Ball. Jack Richard's Tune. Little Jack's Reel. Fiddle sheet music.
Translation: Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Ballin' the Jack. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home.
Translation: Jock Wilson's Ball. Bagpipe sheet music. Standard Settings of Pipe Music. Composed by Various.
Translation: Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man.
Translation: Aren't You Glad You're You. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Ballin' the Jack. Don't Explain.