Translation: Act I, Scene 4. Dewagtere, Bernard.
Translation: Act I, Scene 4. Organ. Dewagtere, Bernard. Part One.
Translation: Dramatic Symphony, Op 17. Hector Berlioz. Symphonie Dramatique, Op. 17 composed by Hector Berlioz. 1803-1869. French. Romantic. Eighth.
Translation: For voice. Published by Editions Robert Martin. RM.SL10440.
Translation: Act I, Madrigal. Ange adorable. soprano, tenor. Charles Francois Gounod. Act I, Madrigal.
Translation: Sleep Juliet. Timpani sheet music. Juliet Sleep composed by Charles Francois Gounod. Charles Francois Gounod. French.
Translation: Since yesterday I seek in vain my master. What are you doing, white dove from Romeo and Juliet. Voice Solo sheet music.
Translation: Verona once saw two rival families from Romeo and Juliet. Charles Francois Gounod. Chorus. For Mixed Choir. Opera. 8 pages.
Translation: I want to live in the dream from Romeo and Juliet. Sheet music. Charles Francois Gounod. 1818-1893. For Soprano Voice.
Translation: So drink this beverage. It is only after one day from Romeo and Juliet. Voice Solo sheet music. Sheet music.
Translation: God. from Romeo et Juliette composed by Charles Francois Gounod. what a thrill runs through my veins. God.
Translation: L'heure s'envole from Romeo et Juliette composed by Charles Francois Gounod. 1818-1893. For Mixed Choir. Opera.
Translation: Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Air N011 God Who Fis Man Bass and Piano. Charles Francois Gounod.