Translation: Plan.
Translation: Lead Sheet. Well, I got a gal, she lives up on the hill. Well, this woman's tryin' to quit me, Lord, but I love her still.
Translation: Jazz at Lincoln Center Library. Jazz. Conductor Score. 32 pages.
Translation: Jazz at Lincoln Center Library. Jazz. Conductor Score . 84 pages.
Translation: Concert Rounds on Old Sayings composed by Linda Ferrieria. Arranged by Gregg Smith. For unison voices, a cappella. General. Moderately Easy.
Translation: Just take those old records off the shelf, I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Lead Sheet. English.
Translation: from Soho down to Brighton I must have played 'em all, but I ain't seen nothin' like him in any amusement hall. Plan. MN0144280.
Translation: Plan. D # 3-D5. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Plan. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Chords. Voice, range. E4-D5. MN0100459_U2. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible.