Translation: Concerto for French Horn and Piano No.1 in E Flat Major Op. 11. Piano sheet music.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. French Horn and Piano Reduction. Composed by Richard Strauss.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Concerto No. 1 in E flat major, Opus 11 composed by Richard Strauss.
Translation: German composer and Horn player, Franz Strauss. Sheet Music.
Translation: and Richard Strauss. Gurrelieder, 5 Pieces for Orchestra, Pelleas and Melisande. J. Strauss.
Translation: Horn, Piano Accompaniment. Plan. Sheet Music. HN. PFA.
Translation: Concerto for Horn and Piano composed by Brett Miller. For Horn and Piano.
Translation: Concerto for Horn No. 1, in E-Flat Major, Op. 11 composed by Richard Strauss. and Philip Farkas. Grade 5.
Translation: for Horn and Chamber Orchestra. Piano Reduction. Composed by Richard Strauss. Horn.
Translation: Piano Concertos 1. Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major. Shostakovich - Symphony No 9, Cello Concerto No 2.
Translation: The first sound, music for declamation. cantatas, odes and other occasional works.
Translation: The unprecedented success of this opera overshadowed all his other works and contributed to their increasing fall into oblivion.