Translation: The suite portrays one fine day in the mountains. or equivalent organ stops. Secular, Cantata. Language. SATB.
Translation: It uses SATB voices rather than cantor for the verses. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.
Translation: See. it has overcome the Lowe. it has overcome the Lowe. Georg Philipp Telemann.
Translation: remains one of the most notable Renaissance composers of English madrigals. A Cappella sheet music. For Choral.
Translation: A nativity play from Koroshegy. A narrator introduces the individual numbers with passages from the Christmas story.
Translation: The FJH Young Beginner Guitar Method, Performance Book 1 composed by Philip Groeber. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc.
Translation: Each of the four voices is given its own solo passage, sometimes accompanied, sometimes quietly supported by the other voices.
Translation: 21st Century,20th Century,Renaissance,Comedy,Secular. The setting is for alto voice and guitar.