Translation: You Can Teach Yourself Harmonica composed by George Heaps-Nelson and Barbara McClintock Koehler. Perfect binding, Methods. All Styles.
Translation: Textbook - General. Rough Guide. Book. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-1843535881. ISBN 1843535882.
Translation: Published by Writer's Digest Books. HL.331749. ISBN 1582974241.
Translation: For Melody. Lyrics. Chords.
Translation: You Can Teach Yourself Harmonica composed by George Heaps-Nelson. Squareback saddle-stitched, Methods. You Can Teach Yourself. All Styles.
Translation: Special techniques and harmonicas other than the standard ten-hole-twenty-reed diatonic harp are also explained. Diatonic.
Translation: Off the Record with The Beatles, Bowie, Elton. Composed by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski. Reference Textbooks. Textbook - General. 448 pages.
Translation: Special techniques and harmonicas other than the standard ten-hole-twenty-reed diatonic harp are also explained.
Translation: Includes a bio and his extensive intro, plus a CD of his original recordings. Angel Band.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Arranged for Piano, Vocal and Guitar, you'll be singing and strumming all of these brilliant songs with ease.