Translation: Ray of Hope. Alyabyev.
Translation: Ray of Hope. Varlamov. Veltman.
Translation: Daniel Laubach.
Translation: Here's a beautiful song of faith. Choir sheet music. Daybreak Choral Series. 12 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8744811.
Translation: Sunny. Choir sheet music. Sunny. by Andrea Bocelli. Arranged by Audrey Snyder. For Choral.
Translation: Kathleen Ferrier recorded what is perhaps the best-known version of the song in London in 1949. Clarinet sheet music.
Translation: There is a point when you cannot walk away All it takes is a point of light, a ray of hope in the darkest night.
Translation: The song of a heart that sorrows, the wail of the wind from off the sea. English. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Translation: Don slot, Tom Schuyler. Plan. Vocal. Chords. There is a point you must decide just to do it cause it's right.
Translation: The song of a heart that sorrows, the wail of the wind from off the sea. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Just when ev'ry ray of hope was gone, I should have known that you would come along.
Translation: Fred Jay. Kenny Rogers , Johnny Mathis. EMI Music Publishing. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. A3-E5. MN0064904. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Contains complete lyrics.