Translation: Secular, Carol.
Translation: Harry. Secular, Carol.
Translation: When we truly love. Lyrics.
Translation: Your Back.
Translation: When we truly love.
Translation: When we truly love. Piano, Vocal.
Translation: By Andre Reyes, Jacques Baliardo, Jahloul Bouchikhi, Maurice Baliardo, Nicolas Reyes, Paul Reyes, and Tonino Baliardo. chords only. Latin.
Translation: When we truly love. Piano sheet music. When we truly love. by Gonzalo Roig. For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only.
Translation: When we truly love. When we truly love. by Albert Gamse and Gonzalo Roig. Standards. GTRCHD. 1 pages.
Translation: When we truly love. Legacy. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: When we truly love. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: When we truly love. Hal Leonard. Legacy. Easy Piano.
Translation: Baliardo Jacques, Maurice Baliardo, Tonino Baliardo, Jahloul Bouchikhi, Andre Reyes, Nicolas Reyes, Paul Reyes. Plan.
Translation: Plan.