Translation: PRIMA PARS.. Monachii excudebat Adamus Berg. M.D.LXXIII..
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. Solero.
Translation: Quasars are the brightest observable objects in the universe, created by super-massive black holes in the centers of galaxies.
Translation: This thrilling and adrenaline-charged work depicts a "quasar," the most intense source of light in the universe. Score only.
Translation: Timpani sheet music. Xylophone sheet music. For marching percussion ensemble. 3 Octave Marimba,.
Translation: This thrilling and adrenaline-charged work depicts a "quasar," the most intense source of light in the universe. Score and parts.
Translation: Timpani sheet music. Xylophone sheet music. composed by John R. Hearnes.
Translation: Trombone sheet music. Solo Book.
Translation: Piano Method sheet music. Trombone sheet music.