Translation: Vom Himmel hoch, where I'm from, LV 51.
Translation: Come God Creator, Holy Spirit, LV 37.
Translation: Where the Lord God does not hold us, LV 44.
Translation: We Christenleut, LV 14.
Translation: Where the Lord God does not hold us, LV 45.
Translation: We all believe in one God, LV 15.
Translation: When my last hour is, LV 12.
Translation: What my God willing, the always gscheh, LV 23. Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm.
Translation: Who trusts in God, LV 13.
Translation: Why are you cast down, O my heart, LV 52.
Translation: Our Father in heaven, LV 22.
Translation: Now let us God the Lord, LV 39.
Translation: Well Come der Heiden Heiland, LV 50.
Translation: Vom Himmel hoch, where I'm from, LV 42.
Translation: O Jesus Christ, you highest good, LV 11.
Translation: Well Come der Heiden Heiland, LV 10.
Translation: With peace and joy I depart, LV 9.