Translation: Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Michael Praetorius). Sacred. Choir. a cappella.
Translation: Praetorius-jacob. Magnificat-first-tones.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. the old year is now gone.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. which the shepherd. the the-.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. which the shepherd. the quempas - chor.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. which the shepherd. the quempas - cantor.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. dulci.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. enatus.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. It is a traveling. reisents.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. It is a traveling. praise.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. I sincerely enjoy doing.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. Today triumphs of God's son.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. in you I'm mr gehoffet.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. Morning Star.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. Now thank we.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. psallite.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. puer natus.
Translation: Michael Praetorius. choral. puer natus in bethlehem.