Translation: Letanie and Four Antiphons of the 'Year, Op.11. Cossoni Carlo Donato.
Translation: Hor one laccio. Ferrabosco Sr., Alfonso.
Translation: John Contino. Di Cipriano e Annibale, Madrigali a 4 voci. 15.
Translation: While I was grateful to you. Hor pien else desio. Hor pien else desio. While I was you dear. Hor one laccio.
Translation: 1760-1842. For bassoon, voice, piano. Published by TrevCo Music Publishing. VC.6051.
Translation: Trumpet sheet music. composed by Wen-chung Chou. Contemporary Large Ensemble.
Translation: Voice sheet music. composed by Giacomo Puccini. 1858-1924.
Translation: Clang and colors. Clang and colors. 95 composed by Jeno Takacs.
Translation: Plan. The "Keyboard Crocodile" is actually quite harmless. Anonymous.
Translation: Hor pien else desio. Choir sheet music. The Complete Five Voice Madrigals Volume 6 composed by Luca Marenzio. 1553-1599.