Translation: Plan.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: By Herbie Hancock. 3 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music. HX.88228. Just purchase, print and play.
Translation: Watermelon man, ’cause he’s got. Herbie Hancock. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. English. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Plan. MN0066817. Compatible. Herbie Hancock. F Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Voice, range. C4-G5. MN0075475. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: Tyrone Wheeler Bass Lines - Transcribed From Volume 54 for bass. Transcribed bass lines from Volume 54 of the Aebersold series. 32 pages.
Translation: Published by Faber Piano Adventures. Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching.
Translation: Jazz Piano Voicings - Volume 54 Maiden Voyage composed by Jamey Aebersold. Jamey Aebersold. Advanced. Intermediate, advanced. Book.
Translation: For Piano. Piano Solo Songbook. Watermelon Man. The Old Piano Roll Blues. Watermelon Man.
Translation: For Piano. Easy Piano Songbook. 15 easy big-note piano solos by Debra Wanless. The Old Piano Roll Blues.
Translation: The Debra Wanless Intermediate Piano Library. For Piano. Piano Solo Songbook. The Old Piano Roll Blues.