Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions. Grieg, Edvard.
Translation: Plan. Latin. Vavilov published this work anonymously in 1972. it was mistakenly ascribed to Giulio Caccini around 1987.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: " It is unified by an undulating parallel-fifth motif in the piano's left hand. Plan.
Translation: Only Soprano or Tenor. Original text and translations. Original text and translations may be found at.
Translation: He cries in my heart. Plan. Original key was G sharp Minor. No. 2 from Ariettes Forgotten.
Translation: Plan. is describd as a Neapolitan Serenade.
Translation: Plan. Secular, Air.
Translation: Adrian Neck. Plan. A setting for SSAA by Adrian Cuello is also available.
Translation: Flower pier. Plan. Dedicated to Madame Leroux-Ribeyre.