Translation: Act III. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Tannhäuser, WWV 70. Act III. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Kummer. Act III. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Tannhäuser, WWV 70. Kummer. Act III. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Trinkaus. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: For Piano only. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Wagner, Richard.
Translation: Wenger, Alexander. Entry of the Guests on the Wartburg. Act II. Pilgerchor.
Translation: This version is for Baritone Voice with Piano Accompaniment and has been arranged by Karl Klindworth and edited by Wilhelm Lutz. BAR.
Translation: O du mein holder Abendstern from TannhÃuser, WWV 70 composed by Richard Wagner. Richard Wagner. Baritone.
Translation: Richard Wagner. Klindworth, Lutz. Schott Digital Music. German. Legacy. Baritone. Plan.
Translation: For Piano I, Piano II. Great Music Made Easy - Duet Series. "O Du, Mein Holder Abendstern".
Translation: Unvergangliche melodies. Holdes girls, see my suffering. O du mein holder Abendstern.
Translation: Arranged for Piano and Voice by Mahler, Gustav. Arranged for Piano and Voice by Mahler, Gustav.