Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Pop group. Choir. Drums. harvey. james. james, roberto, zeus, harvey. Plan.
Translation: Keyboard. Violins or Flutes.
Translation: figured bass. Sonades et suites de simphonies en trio. Premier dessus. Second dessus.
Translation: collection. Johann Sebastian Bach. Organ sheet music. collection. composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. For Keyboard. Liturgical.
Translation: Sixty-Nine Chorales with Figured Bass composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach. Masterworks. Kalmus Edition.
Translation: Bach, Js..
Translation: Jacob Cervetto. Only instrument plan. William Conable. Cello.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Piano Solo. For Piano, Piano. Piano Method.
Translation: Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Michel Fixed. Bassoon sheet music. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. 1707-1795.
Translation: A Self-paced Primer in Playing from a Figured Bass. For harpsichord, organ or piano. Harpsichord sheet music.
Translation: A Thorough Figured-Bass Workbook for Keyboard Players composed by Frances Fitch & Jack Ashworth. For keyboard. Workbook.
Translation: Pieces for viola da gamba with figured bass composed by Francois Couperin. Francois Couperin. Viola sheet music.
Translation: for 3 Flutes and Figured Bass composed by Gaetano Pugnani. Cello sheet music. Flute sheet music. 1731-1798. Edited by Franco.