Translation: Victoria, my heart.
Translation: "Core ngrato", for voice and piano. C. Cardillo.
Translation: For Voice and Piano. "Heart and soul". C. D'Esposito.
Translation: "Alma great and noble core" для голоса и фортепиано. WA Mozart.
Translation: Plan. My musical setting for the poem by Byron. cello used here to simulate voice part.
Translation: Plan. the best known version is probably the song usually called Cold and Raw.Written for tenor.
Translation: Plan. Technically in SAT range, but probably best suited to female alto.
Translation: Plan. Secular , Partsong. English. Written for male tenor. comments on this would be welcome.
Translation: Plan. female synth la-la voice used to simulate vocal. Sound file mp3 and score pdf attached. A sound file using flute for vocal.
Translation: Plan. Secular, Air.
Translation: Victoria, my heart. Plan. Secular, Air.
Translation: English. My musical setting for a well known lyric by Ben Jonson. The singer is supposed to be Echo mourning Narcissus.