Translation: Words Of Love. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. For piano, voice, and guitar. French. Standards.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Translation: More, More . Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. More, More . For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only.
Translation: Edith Piaf. More, More & More. Legacy. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate. Marguerite Monnot. Arranged by Patrice Bourges. For piano solo. This edition. French Edition.
Translation: Anthem of Love. Love anthem composed by Edith Piaf. Beginning. Arranged by Jean-Philippe Ichard. For string orchestra.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Solero. French.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. C4-Ab5. MN0046795. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. C#4-A5. MN0046795_U1. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. MN0046795_D3. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. G4-Eb6. MN0046795_U7. Compatible.
Translation: Plan. Voice, range. F#4-D6. MN0046795_U6. Compatible.