Translation: Biaulx speaks tousjours.
Translation: Just as I speak. At the seaside.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: SPEAK LOWEST. Plan.
Translation: But who parl'ahi, loose. But who parl'ahi, loose. from Sigismondo D'India First Five Books of Madrigals - GA.GM3216.
Translation: It Is Too Speaks - 4 Mixed Voices. It Is Too Speaks - 4 Mixed Voices. Chansons Francaises. Composed by Pierre Certon. 1510-1572.
Translation: Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Vocal Duet. For Soprano Voice and Tenor Voice. Sheet music. 17 pages.
Translation: Charles Francois Gounod. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1818-1893. For 2 sopranos and piano. Published by Choudens.
Translation: Air N04 Tell Me Ma Mere - Soprano. Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.
Translation: Night still speaks. Trombone . Concerto for trombone and chamber orchestra.