Translation: Great Fantasy for Offertory or Solemn Inauguration Organ. Stern, Théophile.
Translation: Offertory on the Great Games. Organ Book. Mass for organ. Other parts.
Translation: Great Offertory De Noel.
Translation: 3rd Delivery.
Translation: Grand Offertory for Day to Day, 2nd Meditation and Fantasy on the Hymn Portuguese. Organ pieces. Volume 2. Grison, Jules.
Translation: Grand Choir or Offertory and Pastoral Cantilène. Organ pieces.
Translation: Grand Offertory Sainte Cécile. Organ pieces.
Translation: Offertory On the Great Games. Mass of Christmas Day, Op.11.
Translation: Religious meditations, Op.122.
Translation: Great Game to serve Offertory. New suites of organ pieces. Lasceux, Guillaume.
Translation: Grand "Hunting" game to serve Offertory. New suites of organ pieces. Journal II. Magnificat in Fmajor.
Translation: III. Offertory on the Great Games. Organ pieces. Mass for the Convents.
Translation: Offertory on the Great Games. Organ pieces. Mass for the Parishes.
Translation: Mass 8 Ton for Organ. Correct, Gaspard.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: 10 pieces for organ or piano pedal.