Translation: Very beautiful and solemn Responsory for the Introit and Recessional Chant of Bishop during the visitation of Parish.
Translation: Latin. TB.
Translation: Ecce magnus sacerdos. Language. Latin.
Translation: Ecce magnus sacerdos.
Translation: Ecce Sacerdos Magnus composed by Johann Baptist Singenberger. Arranged by Richard J. Siegel. Easter seasons, confirmation.
Translation: For 2-part treble voices, organ. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: For unison choir with organ or concert band. Choir sheet music. Beginning. Anthem. Composed by Joseph Haas.
Translation: Choir and organ. Ecce sacerdos 5023201. Choir sheet music. For SATB choir. German title. Full score. Language.
Translation: Lajos Bardos. Choir sheet music. 7 composed by Lajos Bardos. 1899-1986. This edition. C 34024. Saddle-stitch.
Translation: Ecce magnus sacerdos. Ecce magnus sacerdos. For Mixed Choir, 3 Trombones and Organ. Choir sheet music.
Translation: For unison choir with organ or concert band. 80a. Joseph Haas. Choir sheet music. Beginning. 80a. Anthem.
Translation: For 4 mixed voices, 2 equal voices, unison voices, organ. Beginning. Composed by Maximillian Stadler. Sacred.
Translation: Behold, the high priest. For SATB choir, organ. Gerbert mother. Choir sheet music. Behold, the high priest. G-Moll.