Translation: Childhood of Christ, H 130. The Shepherds Farewell to the Holy Family. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Childhood of Christ, H 130. The Shepherds Farewell to the Holy Family. Part II. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Song of the Day Easter. Part II, Scene 4. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Hungarian March. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Sérénade Agreste à la Madone sur le théme des Pifferari Romains pour Orgue-Harmonium.
Translation: or Organ. Main sheet music.
Translation: 'L'ADIEU DU BERGERS' Trascrizione da Concerto per Grande Organo. Machella, MAURIZIO. Main sheet music.
Translation: Bb. Dewagtere, Bernard. Main sheet music. Trompette. Sib.