Translation: Volume XII. Concertos and Concert Pieces for the Pianoforte with orchestral accompaniment. Chopin, Frédéric.
Translation: First Concert for Piano and Orchestra. Henry Litolff appropriated. Solopartie m. Begltg. a second piano. Scores.
Translation: Chapter 5. Connection of the voice with the orchestra. Basic Principles of Orchestration. Translations. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay.
Translation: Collection of Liszt editions, Volume 9. Dance in the Village Inn. Lenau's Faust aus Episode. Scores. Dana, Ruth.
Translation: Concertos for Violin and Orchestra.
Translation: Concertos for one Instrument and Orchestra.
Translation: Hard march to the Goethe-anniversary celebration. Hard march to Goethe anniversary celebration. componirt von Franz Liszt. für Piano à 2.
Translation: Evening concert. Quodlibet for Orchestra. Ploen Musiktag.
Translation: Evening concert. An introductory piece for orchestra. Ploen Musiktag.