Translation: Elegant fantasy on themes from the opera 'Don Pasquale'.
Translation: Salon de Fantasie sur l'opera The Young Don.
Translation: Potpourri on melodies of the opera Don Giovanni by Mozart, Op.49.
Translation: My darling, air opera Don Giovanni by Mozart. The art of singing applied to the piano, Op.70. Thalberg, Sigismond.
Translation: Variation on the Duo favorite opera Don Juan de Mozart. The first start Op.83. Beyer, Ferdinand.
Translation: опера "Don Giovanni". "Don Giovanni". , Score. WA Mozart.
Translation: опера "Don Giovanni". "Don Giovanni". , Piano. ital. and English. WA Mozart.
Translation: опера "Don Giovanni". "Don Giovanni". , Piano. ital. and Russian. lang. NOTICE PDF-file. WA Mozart.
Translation: опера "Don Giovanni". "Don Giovanni". , Piano. English. and it. lang. WA Mozart.
Translation: Plan.