Translation: All plain property. Alexander Agricola. Published. Description. Of any property plains Was originaly a song written by Hayne van Ghizeghem.
Translation: A small cantata for Christmas, suitable for a small choir, many small solo parts.
Translation: some solemne, other joyfull, framed to the life of the Words. Composed by William Byrd , one of the Gent.
Translation: Piano for Rehearsal only. Music by GRAHAM GARTON 23 November 1947. HIGH. TENOR.
Translation: Small. Trombone.
Translation: Percussion.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Violet.
Translation: Piano.
Translation: God's time is the best time, BWV 106. For Piano only. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Juliet. Soprano only. how many times. The Capulets and the Montagues.
Translation: For Piano only. Time menuetto. Beethoven, Ludwig van.