Translation: Mulan heroically saves the army from attack then masterminds a plan to rescue the kidnapped Emperor. Audio Sampler.
Translation: The Wise Man and Foolish Man. I'm In The Lord's Army. Classroom. Pre-School.
Translation: In many ways this young man represented all our young soldiers serving in our military, hence the title. Robert W. Rumbelow.
Translation: Trav'lin Man. Two Maids Went A -Milking One Day. Worried Man Blues. Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn, The.
Translation: You Don't Know This Man. Oliver's Army. One Voice. Poetry Man. Another One Bites The Dust.
Translation: Trade. Since by man came death. To man God's universal law. The Holy One of Israel.
Translation: Brook. , BWV 244, Part One - Contents. , BWV 244, Part One - 8. , BWV 244, Part One - 10.
Translation: One. Dying for one's country. Dying for one's country. Dying for one's country. Dying for one's country.