Translation: Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven. One Day.
Translation: King of Glory. Lay Me Down. My Deliverer. No Chains on Me. O Worship the King. Over Me.
Translation: Down On My Knees. The King and I. His Grace Is Sufficient For Me. In the Arms of Sweet Deliverance.
Translation: Twenty-Four Negro Melodies, Op. 59 - Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel. One More Day, My John. Small Study.
Translation: Roll Down The Line. Set Down, Servant. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me. Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me.
Translation: A Child Of The King. All The Way My Savior Leads Me. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. He Leadeth Me.
Translation: Trade. Now there arose a new king. No more to Ammon's god and king. On me let blind mistaken zeal.
Translation: Dedicated To The One I Love. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Hold Me Now. Running Away With Me.
Translation: One Small Child. Shine Down. You Needed Me. I.O.U. Me. You Gave Me Love. Lead Me On.
Translation: Down Came A Lady. Down In That Valley. Down In The Meadow. Down The River. The Fire Down Below.