Translation: On the run.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. Dear virtues that make Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. Age blind unhappy Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. For you dear à himself Complete Score.
Translation: Here is the chariot of Elijah Complete Score. Madrigals for 2 voices on the run.
Translation: As the wax in the fire Complete Score. Madrigals for 2 voices on the run.
Translation: Property rises above the spheres Complete Score. Madrigals for 2 voices on the run.
Translation: What on earth can you haver Complete Score. Madrigals for 2 voices on the run.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. Quest'amoroso hot Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. From that fire ch'accende Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. , This fellow eternoComplete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. O sacred choir elected Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. O happy who loves you Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. Sorrowful thoughts that I struggi'l core Complete Score. Asola, Giammateo.
Translation: Although the fierce martyr Complete Score. Madrigals for 2 voices on the run.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. Yes cake is my contentment Complete Score.
Translation: Madrigals for 2 voices on the run. When Mr. spot to make love to your Complete Score. Asola, Giammateo.