Translation: Language. SATB. The Advent chant, used for the 2nd and 3rd Advent Sunday.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: L.M. Language. English.
Translation: Choir sheet music. For TTBB choir. Sacred. Eighth. Published by Beckenhorst Press. BP.1669A.
Translation: Hymn Concerto. Hymn Concerto. composed by David Cherwien. For Choir,Org.,Congr. ,Brass,etc. Published by Art Masters Studios Inc..
Translation: Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. For SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment. Advent, Christmas. Sacred. Easy. Text language.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Organ sheet music. For Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices. A Cappella. Composed by K. Lee Scott.
Translation: C Instrument sheet music. Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Soprano Descant. C Instrument.
Translation: Dale Grotenhuis. Choir sheet music. For SATB choir. Sacred, Choral. Grade 3. Choral octavo. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company.
Translation: Earlene Rentz. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning. For SATB choir and piano. General. Moderately Easy. Eighth.
Translation: On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand composed by Paul Brandvik. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. For SATB choir, keyboard.
Translation: On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry composed by Claudio Monteverdi. Edited by Edward Klammer. Sacred.
Translation: Choir sheet music. For SATB choir. Sacred. Eighth. Published by Beckenhorst Press. BP.1669.