Translation: O innocent Lamb of God, BWV 656. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God, Aliter. Fugierende and changing chorales, TWV 31. Organ Scores. Telemann, Georg Philipp.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God. Fugierende and changing chorales, TWV 31. Telemann, Georg Philipp.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God, BWV 1095.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God, BWV 618. The Organ Booklet, BWV 599-644.
Translation: O Lamb of God, innocent, BWV 618. The Organ Booklet, BWV 599-644.
Translation: O innocent Lamb of God.
Translation: Final.