Translation: Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: There is nothing more tender. Book of carols.
Translation: There is nothing more tender - score. Book of carols.
Translation: With our power nothing is done, GWV 1173. Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: Nothing is sweeter than you.
Translation: "There is nothing softer". Collection of Christmas. Fourth Suite of Christmas.
Translation: This is nothing. Garrido de la Rosa, Oscar.
Translation: list this as a motet, so for the moment, it is tagged as such. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin.
Translation: recorders ad lib. and Basso continuo. Sacred , Motet , Responsory vi at Matins of Christmas. Language. SS.
Translation: My heart is recommended to you. Secular, Song. Lassus' pupil Eccard also wrote a 'parody mass' on this theme.
Translation: A cappella. Sacred , Hymn. Language. English. SATB. From "David's Harp Well Tuned", 1753. 1727 - 1753.
Translation: The German text which is included in the score above is quite a faithful translation of the Swedish version. quoted below.