Translation: Egg my Perl ', you precious crown', GWV 1101. Chorales of 1709-1719. Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: Tchaikovsky, Pyotr.
Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: As text there is only an “O” letter at the beginning of the Discantus. The notes' values within the ligaturæ are semibreves.
Translation: Plan. " It is unified by an undulating parallel-fifth motif in the piano's left hand.
Translation: Original hymn tune, harmonized three different ways.
Translation: Cello. First release of movement 4, "Imbolc" from "Wheel of the Year" as a separate work.
Translation: Hermanus Atrio. - The notes' values wihin the "ligaturæ" are the following.