Translation: Plan. Solero. I met him at a party just a couple of years ago, he was rather over hearty and ridiculous. English.
Translation: Plan. London Pride has been handed down to us, Lodon Pride is a flower that's free.
Translation: Plan. The world for some years has been sodden with tears.
Translation: Plan. Solero. You're only a baby. You're lonely, and maybe someday soon you'll know. English.
Translation: Operetta. Plan. Solero. Lord Elderley, Lord Borrowmere, Lord Sickert and Lord Camp with ev'ry virtue. English.
Translation: Plan. When, it's late and the world is sleeping, our little black cat, no bigger than that. English.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. For piano, voice and guitar. chords only. Standards. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Chords. Once upon a time, many years ago lived a fair Princess.
Translation: 0-7579-0638-9. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. You ask me to have a discreet heart until marriage is out of the way.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. This morning when I woke the light was clear in the sky.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. We must be kind and with an open mind.
Translation: Plan. The lady was beautiful the Lady was dark.
Translation: Plan. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Chords. Jean Louis Domenic Pierre Bouchon, true to the breed that bore him.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. I've fallen in love with you, I'm taking it badly freezing, burning, tossing.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Ordinary man invariably sighs vainly for what cannot be.
Translation: Plan.