Translation: Do not turn your mercy from me, O Lord, nor your kindness, but stretch out your right hand, and be my guide to the end.
Translation: according to the multitude of your compassions blot out my transgressions. from The Kings - ACT 2. Tenor Voice sheet music.
Translation: God of All Mercy. Holy Church of God, Stretch Out Your Hand. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. For unison voices. Sacred.
Translation: Create In Me A Clean Heart. God of All Mercy. Holy Church of God, Stretch Out Your Hand. For choir. Collection.
Translation: God Is In Control. Go And Sin No More. Place In This World.
Translation: Mercy, Mercy Me. Reach Out And Touch. Reach Out, I'll Be There. Ribbon In The Sky.
Translation: Praise Hymn has come to be known as the leader in innovation of Christian music soundtracks. Michael W. Smith. Low Voice sheet music.
Translation: IN.767667137127. Praise Hymn has come to be known as the leader in innovation of Christian music soundtracks.
Translation: 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. Away In A Manger. Bring Them In. Bringing In The Sheaves.
Translation: Spirit . Cry Out with Joy. Glory In The Cross. Go In Peace. Go Out and Tell. Hand In Hand.
Translation: I'll Meet You In The Morning. In Pleasant Places. In the Garden. In The Same Wonderful Way.
Translation: Country . In Jordan's Stream. In The Valley He Restoreth My Soul. No, Never Alone. No Tears In Heaven.
Translation: If You Abide In Me. In Jesus' Name. It Could Happen In A Moment.
Translation: When All Thy Mercies, O My God.
Translation: The Lord Is In His Holy Temple. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. We Believe In One True God.