Translation: No. 2 Comfort Ye, My People. No. 3 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted. No. 4 And the Glory of the Lord.
Translation: My Blue Heaven. He's Making Eyes At Me. My Blue Heaven. My Honey's Loving Arms. Who's Sorry Now.
Translation: Christ Receiveth Sinful Man. God's Choir. God's Final Call. He'll Break Through The Blue.
Translation: Break Thou The Bread Of Life. No One Understands Like Jesus. The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want.
Translation: Angels From Heaven. Look Around You, It's Xmas. Boar's Head Carol. From Heaven Above to Earth I Come.
Translation: Everything is on God's blessing dependent. Break in twain, my poor heart. dear sun's light and splendor, The.
Translation: No Way, We Are Not Ashamed. Heaven Is Counting On You. Love Like No Other. When God's People Pray.
Translation: Let's Have an Old Fashioned Christmas. As Long As There's Christmas. Because It's Christmas.
Translation: As Long As There's Christmas. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Because It's Christmas. The Boar's Head Carol.
Translation: Let's Have an Old Fashioned Christmas. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Because It's Christmas. The Boar's Head Carol.
Translation: A Salute To 60's Rock. She's Always A Woman. The Angry Young Man. No Rain. Heaven.