Translation: "Thou shalt Break them with a Rod of Iron". String Quartet. Magatagan, Mike. for String Quartet.
Translation: "Let us Break their Bonds Asunder". Trumpet and String Quartet. 2 Violins, 1 Viola, 1 Cello. Magatagan, Mike.
Translation: Break forth o beautiful morning light. Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Break forth o beautiful morning light. Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Break bread from the hungry. Your bread with the hungry, BWV 39. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Plan. The Beautiful Miller's Wife, D.795.
Translation: The Beautiful Miller's Wife, D.795.
Translation: Cantata "Amor Break the arc, and their arrows". Duets, Jokes, Sing. Steffani, Agostino.
Translation: Song Minions. No, I will not break the silence. Schubert.
Translation: No, I will not break the silence. Song Minions.