Translation: This nation, America, founded on ideas instead of a lineage of Kings, pulled itself out of the mire of the old ways to brave the new.
Translation: Choirs always need new and exciting encores to wow the crowds and to leave on a high. 1284 725725 to check availability.
Translation: We Gather Together. We Are God's People. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee.
Translation: Based on the primary melody of Gillingham's work, New Century Dawn, this composition is designed to be quite versatile.
Translation: All Clear in Harrisburg. All I Ask Of You. All I Really Need. All My Trials. All the Good People.
Translation: Trade. Choirs of angels all around thee. All danger disdaining, for battle I glow. Despair all around them.
Translation: they appear in alphabetical order within chapter groupings like lullabies, love songs, sea songs, and spirituals.
Translation: Rhenish Orgelbuch. We bring, Lord, this child to you - F Major. One I wish to me, above all things - F Major.
Translation: German Lieder for Medium . 6 Songs, Op. 75 - New love, new life. So we stand, me and my pasture, Op. 32, No. 8.
Translation: So we stand, me and my pasture. We must separate ourselves. On the lake. We converted. On the lake.