Translation: Reber, Napoléon Henri. Treatise on harmony. Romantic. Music theory. Writings. French language.
Translation: Berlioz, Hector. Through songs. Romantic. Music criticism. Writings. French language.
Translation: Dubois, Theodore. Notes \u0026amp; Studies of harmony to serve as a supplement to the Treaty of H. Reber. Romantic.
Translation: Reber, Napoléon Henri. Piano Trio No.1, Op.8. Violin. Cello and Piano. Romantic. Trios. For violin, cello, piano. Scores featuring ...
Translation: Reber, Napoléon Henri. String Quintet, Op.1. 2 Violins. Viola and 2 Cellos ( Alto Violoncello). Romantic. Quintets. For 2 violins, ...
Translation: Reber, Napoléon Henri. String Quartet No.1, Op.4. 2 Violins. Viola. Cello. Romantic. Quartets. For 2 violins, viola, cello. Scores ...
Translation: Reber, Napoléon Henri. 6 Pieces, Op.15. Violin (or Cello). Plan. Romantic. Pieces. For violin, piano. Scores featuring the violin. ...
Translation: Reber's Ground (Thurlow Weed). Sacred. Shape Notes.
Translation: Reber. Reber - Grand quatuor, op 4 cello.
Translation: Reber. Reber - Grand quatuor, op 4 viola.
Translation: Reber. Reber - Grand quatuor, op 4 vl 1.
Translation: Reber. Reber - Grand quatuor, op 4 vl 2.
Translation: Reber. Reber Berceuse Op 15 No 5 vl Piano.