Translation: O Lord how are my foes increased. O God that art my righteousness. Incline thine ear unto my words.
Translation: My Voice Shalt Thou Hear is an anthem for Boy's voices and Piano or Organ. Sheet Music. STATES.
Translation: Lord, Hear My Voice. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord. Choir sheet music. Organ sheet music. For Choral.
Translation: Oh, my heart is sore within me – Benedict. A wondrous change my spirit doth surprise – Bennett. My arms.
Translation: Sacred Songs . The Lord Is My Light. Ah, but soon propose, blissful hour from Christ, who is my life, Cantata No.. 95.
Translation: Trade. Wither, fairest, art thou running. His hideous love provokes my rage. Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth.
Translation: High Oratorio Arias. 'O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion'. 'Keep, O My Spirit'. High Oratorio Arias.
Translation: This Is My Commandment. With All My Heart. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart.
Translation: Among My Souvenirs. Answer Me My Love. At My Front Door. Be Careful, It's My Heart.
Translation: So we stand, me and my pasture. How are you, my queen. I ringing my horn into the vale of tears.