Translation: My Soul Is Longing for Your Peace composed by Lucien Deiss. Christian Unity. Evensong.
Translation: Why given this brief breath of life, To wonder at our enigmatic birth, To reach for stars, want reason for the strife.
Translation: use singing to bring people together once again in your neighborhood, home, church, camp, school, club or activity.
Translation: His passion is for peace. Louis Landon is currently working with three missions.
Translation: These songs not only celebrate the miracles of long ago, but also those that take place in our lives today.
Translation: These songs not only celebrate the miracles of long ago, but also those that take place in our lives today. Donald Marsh. Beginning.
Translation: - He Cared That Much For Me - He Looked Beyond My Fault. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Biblical Hymns . Intercession Prayer for the Catholic Church. Into Your Hands. Longing for God.
Translation: Down On My Knees. Fill My Cup, Lord. For God So Loved The World. For The Whole Wide World.
Translation: A Collection of Carols, Hymns, and Anthems for Advent composed by K. Lee Scott. This Is the Truth Sent from Above.
Translation: - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. The Lord Is King. The Lord Is In His Holy Temple.