Translation: Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius. Mondengo, Mauritius.
Translation: "My soul fears and hopes to You" Chorale Prelude.
Translation: Amato well you are my hope. The truth in the ordeal, RV 739.
Translation: My hope is in God, HoWV VIII.11.
Translation: You, my hope. Air.
Translation: Lift thou my heart thy hope.
Translation: Chorale Prelude on 'My hope is in God', Op.14.
Translation: Bella is my hope.
Translation: O beautiful my hope. 3 Canzoncine popular to Our Lady.
Translation: That 'no' cruel que my hope ancise. Madrigals, Book 6.
Translation: Where, my hope. Ah, where without me. Second room.