Translation: Meg Peterson. Paul Dresser. Dan Fox. Mel Bay Pub.. English. 0-87166-769-X.. Autoharp. Vocal.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: A wild sort of devil but dead on the level was my gal Sal.. Plan.
Translation: You, You Weigh On My Heart. In My Merry Oldsmobile. You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline.
Translation: Pointer System for Piano - Instruction Book 5 for Piano. Pointer System for Piano Education. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.82005.
Translation: Various. Electronic Keyboard sheet music. Piano sheet music. E-Z Play Today Volume 32. Composed by Various. For Organ, Piano.
Translation: Seven historic piano solos. Composed by Dick Wellstood. Edited by Riccardo Scivales. For piano solo.
Translation: My Gal Sal. My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice. My Melancholy Baby. My Wild Irish Rose.
Translation: Oh, My Darling. Give My Regards to Broadway. My Gal Sal. My Wild Irish Rose. Voice sheet music.
Translation: My Bonnie. Skip to My Lou. Give My Regards to Broadway. My Gal Sal. My Darling Clementine.
Translation: Big . You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline. Skip to My Lou. My Pretty Darling. Various.
Translation: Jazz Piano Solos. Plan. PF. --. A collection of seven popular jazz pieces arranged by the jazz giant, Dick Wellstood.
Translation: My Wild Irish Rose. Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Skip to My Lou. My Gal Sal.
Translation: My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice. Denes Agay. Piano Solo sheet music. Easy Piano Solo. Arranged by Denes Agay.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Composed by Various. Arranged by Lee Evans.
Translation: My Darling Clementine. That's Where My Money Goes. I Gave My Love A Cherry. My Bonnie.