Translation: My darling, air opera Don Giovanni by Mozart. The art of singing applied to the piano, Op.70. Thalberg, Sigismond.
Translation: Mozart in the history of opera.
Translation: The Marriage of Figaro.
Translation: Variation on the Duo favorite opera Don Juan de Mozart. The first start Op.83. Beyer, Ferdinand.
Translation: Mozart - Rossini - Weber 3 Trios Dramatiques - Arr for Flute, Violin & Cello -[Viva l' Opera] - Full Score.
Translation: The ci darem la mano, trio and duette of the opera 'Don Juan' Mozart. The art of singing applied to the piano, Op.70.
Translation: The dove prende of the opera 'The Magic Flute' by Mozart. The art of singing applied to the piano, Op.70. Selections.
Translation: Famous operas.
Translation: Mozart's The Magic Flute. Famous operas.
Translation: Six selected arias of Mozart's opera 'Il Flauto Magico', Op.19.