Translation: The Little Pony.
Translation: Children Images. Childish pictures composed by Jean-Maurice Murad. Level 2. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ. DZ.DZ-1800.
Translation: Light linares. Luz de linares composed by Jean-Maurice Murad. Level 4. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ. DZ.DZ-1797.
Translation: Fundacion Segovia composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Level 3. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ. DZ.DZ-1699.
Translation: Jean Maurice Murad. Jean Maurice Murad.
Translation: For guitar and flute. Intermediate. Intermediate. 12 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ. DZ.DZ-2152.
Translation: For guitar and flute. Intermediate. Intermediate. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital. ZZ.DZ-2152.
Translation: 5 waltzes. 5 valses composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Intermediate. Intermediate. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital.
Translation: Granada Sky. Cielo de Granada composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Horizon. Classical. Score. 4 pages.
Translation: Vowels U and Y. composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Ulmaire - Yuca. Beginning. Vowels U and Y. Ulmaire - Yuca.
Translation: Vowels I and O. composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Iris - Orchidee. Beginning. Vowels I and O. Iris - Orchidee.
Translation: Vowels A and E. Easy Guitar sheet music. composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Anemone - Eglantine. Beginning. Vowels A and E.
Translation: Intimate thoughts composed by Jean-Maurice Murad. Level 3. 12 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ. DZ.DZ-1689. ISBN 978-2-89655-588-8.
Translation: 5 waltzes. 5 valses composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Intermediate. Intermediate. Published by Les Productions d'OZ.
Translation: Children Images. Childish pictures composed by Jean-Maurice Murad. Level 2. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital.
Translation: Light linares. Luz de linares composed by Jean-Maurice Murad. Level 4. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital. ZZ.DZ-1797.
Translation: Fundacion Segovia composed by Jean-Maurice Mourat. Level 3. 8 pages. Published by Les Productions d'OZ - Digital. ZZ.DZ-1699.