Translation: V.Stepanov words, "What we call the Motherland", for children's choir and piano. Struve.
Translation: M. Lisiansky words, "My Motherland", the melody, lyrics and harmonic notation. M. Dolukhanyan.
Translation: "Song of the Motherland". "Broad is my native country. from the soundtrack to the film "The Circus". in Russian. and English. lang.
Translation: M. Matusovsky words, "I returned to the motherland". M. Fradkin.
Translation: victory march "Glory to the Motherland. "Arranged for two pianos four-. S. Chernetzky.
Translation: Hello, My Motherland. Chichkov. Ibryaev.
Translation: Motherland hears. Shostakovich. Dolmatovsky.
Translation: Motherland hears. duo. Shostakovich. Dolmatovsky.
Translation: "Far from the Motherland" from "Norway", a treatment for mixed chorus a cappella V. Samarin. E. Grieg.
Translation: About Motherland, happy hour and non-source. from the poem Otchalivshaya Rus. Sviridov. Yesenin.
Translation: My Motherland. duo. country from the poem fathers. Sviridov. Isaakyan.
Translation: Song of the Motherland. Prokofiev. Prokofiev words.
Translation: My Motherland. trio. Novikov. Oshanin.
Translation: "Motherland" cantata for children's choir and piano. L. sivukhin.
Translation: My Motherland. Kolmanovskii. Yevtushenko.
Translation: Song of the Motherland. wide is my native country. Dunaevsky. Lebedev-Kumach.
Translation: Song of the Motherland. wide is my native country. duo. Dunaevsky. Lebedev-Kumach.