Translation: Midst of life we are.
Translation: alto, tenor and bass. Devoted sentiments, Op.6. Legrenzi Giovanni.
Translation: O vos mortales insipentes, 2 voices. 2 songs. Devoted sentiments, Op.6. Legrenzi Giovanni.
Translation: Cazzati, Mauritius.
Translation: That marvel mortal.
Translation: Deadly gozemos.
Translation: He escapes this mortal - Complete score.
Translation: Published in The Psalm-Singer's Amusement , 1781, pp. Words taken from Isaac Watts , 1709, his Hymn 7 of Book 1, and from the Bible.
Translation: Published in The American Singing-Book , 1785, p.
Translation: This setting was published on p15 of Thomas Clark's A Second Set of Psalm and Hymn Tunes , London.
Translation: Sacred , Anthem. Language. SATB. This set-piece. through-composed setting of a metrical text.
Translation: Thomas Clark. Basso continuo. Sacred , Hymn , Carol. English. SATB. c1809. Hymn Tune Index tune number 12812.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: This is the 4th movement of Wesley's much longer verse anthem, O Lord, Thou art my God.