Translation: Absence, hear thou my protestation (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Can I forget what Reason's force (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: How, as Sorrow (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Fair in a morn (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: I saw my lady weeping (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: It was a lover and his lass (Thomas Morley). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella. fight.
Translation: Love winged my hopes (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Mistress mine, well may you fare (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: A painted tale (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: She straight her light green silken coats (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Sleep, slumb'ring eyes (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Thirsis and Milla (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: What if my mistress now (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: White as lilies was her face (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Who is it that this dark night (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: Will you buy a fine dog? (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.
Translation: With my love my life was nestled (Thomas Morley). Secular. Partsong. Lute.