Translation: External websites. Original text and translations. English text.
Translation: GRAHAM GARTON. S. A. T. B.
Translation: Only three partbooks of this publication by Jacques Moderne are extant. French.
Translation: Busnois, credited with stretching the typical vocal range of singers, employs large ranges in the inner voices.
Translation: Sacred , Motet. Language. Italian.
Translation: Uses Gregorian tone 8 formula with final on G. transposed down a step. as melody in soprano part.
Translation: Sorrow Fair. Brass quartet and organ , version with organ only at http. of.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn Meter. 87. 87. 87. Language. English.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn Meter. Language. English.
Translation: English. From Parry's collection titled.
Translation: My soul doth magnify the Lord. Mixed together.