Translation: Language. SSATB. Originally for only 5 voices.
Translation: Published. Description. External websites. Original text and translations.
Translation: Alfonso the Wise. A cappella. Secular , Partsong. Language. A sung chorus from my play EURIPIDES’ HIPPOLYTOS.
Translation: The version most familiar to modern listeners bears little relation to the original music composed by Allegri.
Translation: A cappella. Secular , Partsong. Language. Elizabeth was buried in Westminster Abbey. The meaning is unaltered.
Translation: sopranos mainly carry the tune while altos and basses have semiquaver accompaniments.
Translation: A long anthem, in moderate ranges of the four voices, but getting progressively more complex toward the end. 257 measures.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn Meter. Language. SATB with SS Descant.
Translation: The style of this motet is intended to evoke both chant and early polyphony, albeit in modern terms. Languages.
Translation: 87. 87. 87. Language. SATB with SS Descant.
Translation: Pepenbury is the Old English name of Pembury Village, in Kent, UK.. A cappella. Sacred , Preces and Responses. SSATBB. BCP.
Translation: A cappella. Secular , Christmas. Language. SATB. This score has a piano reduction included, for rehearsal purposes.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn Meter. Language. SATB.
Translation: The music has been transcribed in modern score format as it was intended to be sung.