Translation: André Jr., Anton.
Translation: The time signature is missing, the “tempus perfectum” has been assumed from the context. John Brassart. John Brassart. Published.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: is underlaid only to the Superius, the other five verses are written at the bottom of the page. Anonymous. A cappella. Sacred , Hymn.
Translation: The time signature is missing, the “tempus imperfectum diminutum” has been assumed from the context. Language. Latin. A trope.
Translation: , the other ones are “hemiolæ” while in the “tempus imperfectum” they are always in “proportio sesquialtera”. A cappella. Language.
Translation: , the other ones are “hemiolæ”. Johannes Tinctoris. A cappella. Sacred , Mass. Language. ATB. Only the Kyrie and the Gloria.